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F-4 Pilot Destroys MiG-21 | #3
America Obliterates Half North Vietnam's MiG-21 Fleet In 13 Minutes - Operation Bolo
F-4 Phantoms & Vietnamese MiG-21s Face Off in Aerial Dogfight
MIG 21 VS F4 Phanthom
Supersonic at 50 feet: F-4 Pilot recalls MiG-21 Shoot Down
The B*stard Killed My MiG! - USN Phantoms' Troublesome Clash with Vietnamese MiG 21s (1967)
MIG 21 VS F4 Phantom
The MiG-21 vs. The F-4 Phantom: Which Was Better?
How the US Air Force Beat the Mig-21
Why an F-4 Phantom Attacked a Pilotless MiG-21? (And How a Great Rivalry Began)
2 Israeli F-4s vs 28 Egyptian MiGs - The Fight that Changed the World
The 48,500 lb Punch That Broke Rolling Thunder